
Courses and Seminars:

 Busting Loose Levels 1 and 2                 


"I had the distinct privilege of attending Rima Levine's "Prosperity and Abundance" workshop recently. It was truly one of the most enlightening and energizing experiences I have encountered to date, and an opportunity to connect with a compelling group of fellow participants. Rima's abilities of integrating numerous modalities of healing, and the activation of our hidden energies through group integration, was amazingly powerful. Practising, and reflecting on the content of the workshop has contributed greatly to the progression of my path towards the new consciousness" Roz A., retired school counselor, Vancouver School Board

"Rima's "Prosperity and Abundance" course is truly a one of a kind!! It is packed with transforming experiences which take you into an ever expanding process of healing subconscious energy blocks into greater flow. Her use of both Matrix Energetics and One Brain is truly unique and very dynamic. Rima masterfully takes you through the quantum world with ease, and blends it deeply with body/mind/spirit. It is truly a great, great, powerfully moving day! Not only that...it keeps on giving after you leave! Since the course finished, I have received powerful insights into some of my life's glitches. I know this is all helping me shift to the next level of being!!!"
......Cathy L, Matrix Energetics facilitator

"I found Rima's "Prosperity and Abundance" course a tremendous experience, and a thoroughly enjoyable day. Do this, and travel to a parallel universe of joy, discovery and transformation. What a superb value. Highly recommended"
.........Michael S., Yacht Charter Broker, www.InfinityYachts.com

"Rima Levine is stepping into her calling with this work by combining several modalities in a highly creative, fun and useful format to bring about a transformational experience which exceeds all my expectations of what is possible in a one day workshop. Great stuff for anyone who wants to play in the quantum matrix to experience quantum shifts and apply it to their everyday lives. After the course, I feel safer and more secure in my relation to life. Useful, informative, playful and healing. I certainly will be back for more." ........Fred Alexander B, denturist, student of Matrix Energetics

"It is said, 'Big gifts come in small packages,' and that is very much Rima...a brilliant, sweet, gifted and powerful teacher. Her workshops are transformational. With humour and ease, she guides you to make the changes you desire in yourself and your life. Her work..WORKS!!! Thank you, Rima"
........Carol MacDonald

"Thank you for a great experience. I felt a high vibrational energy that kept increasing throughout the class. I made several connections that day with people who are helping me get my work out to the world. Now that's instant manifestation! It was also interesting to note how fast the day went by...it felt like linear time had collapsed. I look forward to working with you again!"
........Matthew Kocel, Sound Healer, Massage & Reiki Practitioner, www.OmShaman.com

"I am deeply grateful to have met Rima, as I've had an extensive amount of learning and understanding since! From the very first intro meeting on "Matrix Energetics" and "One Brain," I was completely enthralled and knew that I had embarked on something a lot deeper than I had expected and there was so much more that I could benefit from.

I have participated at two of the Prosperity & Abundance workshops, and both of them were amazingly powerful and healing, yet each very unique. Throughout each workshop and afterward, I personally experienced an extraordinary amount of release and surrender of old, stagnated, painful patterns and energy. I've had such a broader understanding and acceptance of why I was tangibly experiencing certain situations and my current life patterns, and how to reset and literally "re-wire" myself. I found the techniques particularly useful because they are very practical. I have directly applied them in moments or situations of stress and/or anxiety to great avail. Not only have I been able to diffuse stress, dis-ease, and pain, but I now feel so much more empowered in myself and feel that I have a choice in life and am no longer helpless.

Taking the "Busting Loose" workshop after reading the book, took everything to a completely different level, and gave me even more awareness about the power of love, gratitude and the subconscious mind. It literally busts loose all your pre-conditioned thoughts/beliefs of who "you" are and gives you tangible explanations and examples to leave no room for doubt that you can change your patterns for the positive. It was no coincidence that I was partaking in this re-wiring and shedding at a particularly pinnacle time of shift in my life.

I can say that Rima definitely has a special ability to amalgamate her several healing modalities, and share them in practical, fun and simple ways for everyone to be able to use. The passion and love that is shared in her workshops and meetings are immensely valuable to me and I am forever grateful for getting on this ride that really has no end."
........Natalia C., consultant in the professional beauty industry


"Rima delivers a powerful Busting Loose experience that leaves you reverberating for days afterward! Drawing from the depths of her experience, she gathers together a wealth of knowledge, profound experiences and methods that truly help you to bust loose! She creates a subtle, yet powerful group dynamic that will collectively and individually change you!!! If you want to release old patterns and find out what might be holding you back... Rima will take you there! She complements the experiences with a deep level of 'knowing' that only comes from having been there.

Her follow-up sessions to the course have helped me really see where my left brain is presenting "the same old, same old." I find Rima's style refreshingly unique and upfront, hitting on current truths and aspects in my life that needed a different perspective. Busting Loose is a process, and Rima understands that. She is a catalyst for change and helps you out of your limited mindset into the realm of possibilities! I highly recommend the experience!!"
.........Cathy L., Matrix Energetics facilitator

"Rima Levine introduced me to the "Busting Loose" book, which was a revelation. But attending her workshop, group meetings, and working with her privately has been very helpful in integrating this major paradigm shift to an elevated style of living. Highly recommended!"
........Michael S., Yacht Charter Broker

"Reading the book, 'Busting Loose from the Money Game', was a real awakening for me. It changes your belief system and gets you on the 'amusement park ride' journey (reference from the book), if you choose to follow it. Rima's workshop, based on this book, was transformational and extremely helpful to me. It added some very important insights into the process of getting your power back in any of life's situations. Rima's gentle approach guided the group through some powerful exercises and meditation techniques, in order to claim abundance in all aspects of life.

I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who is ready to improve their life and create more abundance. Rima is very intuitive, and creative. I also really appreciate that we continue to meet as a group on an ongoing basis to follow up and receive support on our abundance journey."
.........Monika P., special needs teacher, Vancouver School Board

Guided, Right Brain Meditations

Here is what some participants in the group, guided meditation sessions have had to say.

"I had the good fortune to attend one of Rima Levine's group, Quantum Physics meditation nights recently. The energy created in the room was palpable and electric. I was powered up energetically and experienced a number of powerful visuals which opened up another dimension of possibility to me to draw on. I left feeling expanded and energized! Lots of new possibilities are opening up for me now of which I am sure this evening contributed to. I highly recommend this experience to anyone wanting to dive into the mystery realm of the matrix and all of its limitless possibilities."...
Paul Scott, Transpersonal Therapist.

"Rima Levine's group, guided meditation sessions are a wonderful opportunity for anyone who is interested in experiencing quantum shifts and their associated transformational powers. I have attended several evening sessions & always gain more clarity, grounding, and a feeling of expansion and integration. These sessions have become an important part of my personal growth, and I would recommend them to anyone who is open to experience th e infinite possibilities the divine universe has to offer."
.....Fred Alexander B., Matrix Energetics student, Denturist

"Rima Levine's group, right brain Matrix session takes you on a wonder filled journey through time and space as she explores the group consciousness and beyond. It is a powerful and magical experience that resonates at a deep level as Rima eloquently brings to life the vivid imagery that is her unique gift and insight. I feel very drawn to these transformative sessions with Rima and am so grateful for the experience of something so profound and enjoyable."
.....Malti Varma (Mitchell)

"The group healing sessions with Matrix Energetics and beyond which Rima conducts are experiences of iconic magnitude. Every session is different and contingent on the people who are present. Rima's visualizations resonate to the core of our bodies with healing and restorative energy, and I always leave with a feeling of relaxation that I have not experienced in any other activity."
.......Roz A., retired teacher/counselor, Vancouver School Board

Private Sessions

"Rima is a very powerful enabler of people's empowerment."
..........Randall Friedman, Registered Massage Therapist

"Rima's skills in Matrix Energetics have allowed me to experience a deep state of oneness with Self. Words are not adequate toexpress the power of this healing modality, which works much beyond the limitations of our linear, logical mind. The effects of our sessions have been translated into more presence, increased joy, and greater brain integration. Rima provides a safe and positive environment to experience the wonderful benefits of Matrix Energetics."
.........Silvana Spano, M.A. in Counseling Psychology, Energy Healer and Psychotherapist

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