Events UPCOMING EVENTS: I'd like to give you a heads up re my upcoming events, which I'm really excited about. They represent the pinnacle, to date, of my work in facilitating developing the human potential through my energetic healing practice. I've recently been having a bit of a quantum jump in my learning and experience about manifesting "reality". Some of this involves work with the practical application of the latest findings in neuroscience, which I will be sharing in my upcoming work. To quote from Dr. Joe Dispenza in his new book, "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself": "You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life. A new science is emerging that empowers all human beings to create the reality they choose." And another notable quote from Gregg Braden in the "Divine Matrix". ..................................
.................................. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES PROVIDING ONGOING SUPPORT FOR INTEGRATING & EMBODYING THE HIGHER FREQUENCY ENERGIES OF 2013 & BEYOND HELPING MOVE FROM EXPERIENCES OF SEPARATION TO ONENESS GROUP & INDIVIDUAL ENERGETIC WORK USING QUANTUM PHYSICS, NEW NEUROSCIENCE FINDINGS & MORE FACILITATED BY RIMA LEVINE, (604) 722-0908 We are all experiencing the effects of the tremendous acceleration and deepening of energies at the beginning of this new era in 2013. The pace at times can seem dizzying. Many are experiencing these times as a mildly to a quite rough, chaotic ride at times. It is in this context that I am offering over the holiday seasaon and beyond into 2014, special, quantum physics-based, distance, right brain oriented, group work, (there is no time and space in quantum physics), my ongoing, unique, relaxing right brain meditations, my new QUINTET SERIES of 1.5 day workshops, held mostly monthly to continue building new & improved brain/mind/body health & function, as well as a concentrated series of individual sessions to assist you in grounding, and more easily integrating, and leaping forward into these higher frequencies in your life. My work involves some of the most cutting edge findings in neuroscience on how to get the brain to function at a much more optimal level, promoting your moving in the directions you consciously desire. One of the primary ways to lay down new neural pathways supporting one's highest potential is to have concentrated, closely spaced repetition of the desired states. In Deepak Chopra's and neurologist's Rudi Tanzi's newest book, "Super Brain" they say that the brain can be induced to change in positive ways through dedication, practice, repetition and persistence. These current offerings of mine are built on incorporating these neuroscience findings. My aim is to help people transition with as much ease, elegance and acceleration into the new energies. The following offerings are aimed to facilitate this. The various offerings below by RIMA LEVINE will be dedicated to the memory of both NELSON MANDELA and MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr. RIMA has a personal connection to Martin Luther King, Jr., as she was a co-speaker with him at a large event on "Brotherhood" in Windsor, Ont., while a high school student, and spent that evening at his side. This out of "normal worldly" experience at a young age continues to deeply influence her life and work. ********************** SPECIAL SPRING EQUINOX MEDITATION EXPERIENCE THE TRANSITIONAL ENERGIES WITH A UNIQUE, RELAXING, RIMA'S guided, group meditations can induce deep relaxation, and a quietening of over-active minds. These meditations are unique in that the by-pass the analytical, linear left brain and take you into a direct experience of the right brain including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, healing abilities and lightning fast processing. For more information on this kind of meditation, please refer to the "Services" page. Date & Time: Friday, March 21st, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm Cost: $30 Location: Vancouver Westside in Kitsilano (details provided on registration) Please contact Rima Levine at (604)722-0908 or **Pre-registration is required**. Space is limited, so please connect to reserve your space. For those of you who are not familiar with my unique, guided, right brain meditations, please refer below** to the excerpt from my website on them ( **Guided Right Brain Meditations** RIMA'S guided, right brain meditations are quite unique in that they by-pass the analytical, linear, critical, slow-processing of the left brain, and allow one to be taken into a more direct, experience of the wonders of the right brain, including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, calm, and lightning-speed processing. Participants report feeling afterward deeply relaxed, with greater clarity, and often more creative thinking and problem solving. As a group, we will be working consciously with Quantum Physics, in which shifts in consciousness become much more available. You can bring your individual intentions for healing to the group, and they will become part of the mix of the collective group energy with which we will consciously be involved with quantum physics for healing. The power of the group amplifies the available resources. These evenings are really experiential, and very right brain by design. ****************** Workshop based on the book, "BOUNCING BACK - Rewiring Your Brain for Maximun Resilience & Well-Being." Part 2 In a new form of offering for RIMA, this workshop will be the fifth in a QUINTET SERIES of mutually reinforcing and supportive workshops, which will help build ongoing momentum and acceleration for participants' improved brain health and brain function, and for living fuller, happier, calmer and more enjoyable lives. Each course is a stand alone, and can be taken separately. This is a continuation of the "BOUNCING BACK" workshop offered initially in late October. You do not need to have attended the previous workshop in order to attend this one. This workshop is based on the amazingly wonderful, very important, and useful book, "Bouncing Back- Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being". The title says it all. The author, Linda Graham, is a compassionate psychotherapist, long-term practising Buddhist, and expert in the new neuroscience findings supporting rewiring the brain's coping mechanisms for stress in ways far more conducive to health and happiness than we currently know. She masterfully combines the best contributions from these different streams and philosophies for the best results in rewiring the brain for maximum results. There are many fantastic, simple exercises in it to help in this rewiring process. This material is very hopeful and optimistic in providing the "how to" in changing our old responses to stress, which don't serve us, into life-giving, positive ones. One of the author's comments in the introduction really got my attention. "You won't have to spend years meditating in a cave or reclining on an analyst's couch to learn how to effect immediate and permanent changes in your coping strategies...You can become resilient again (i.e.bouncing back much more quickly and effectively from stresses and even trauma), creating options and choosing wisely." I highly recommend reading this book. It's a step-by-step, practical guide in helping us become way more functional. NOTE: This book is very dense with information, and is not a quick read. Participants need to at least get a gist of the book, if not having read the whole thing, by the workshop date. You can "cheat" by googling info on the book and the author, Linda Graham. I found a few videos of her speaking online. Her website is good - it's: The book is available at Banyen Books. Workshop Dates & Times: Fri. April 11th, 7:00 pm-9:30 pm, Sat. April 12th, 10:00 am-5:00 pm Location: same as above Cost: $159 + GST if prepaid by April 4th, $189 + GST after April 4th **Preregistration & prepayment are required** TESTIMONIALS FROM PARTICIPANTS IN RECENT, 1ST WORKSHOP IN QUINTET SERIES, "BOUNCING BACK": "Rima's part one workshop on "Bouncing Back", (based on the book of the same name) was the most powerful and intense Brain Workshop I have ever done. The amazing exercises the author created not only helped rewire our brains, but took us into our heart space as well. Processing some of our hardest times past and present with amazing compassion, and reflection, really enpowered our times of transition. Rima's ability to integrate this material with her energetic healing modalities e.g. Matrix Energetics, One-Brain, and her guided, right brain meditations, created a truly ultimate way of deepening ourselves around this material. I'm really looking forward to continue evolving myself through work with Rima on the remainder of her Quintet series. Namaste Rima!" ....Roz Atherton, retired school counsellor "I attended Rima's "Bouncing Back" workshop recently and experienced some major insights and healing outcomes. It was very experiential and enjoyable, and I highly recommend it to anyone on the healing path. I am eager to coninue on with the promise of the possibilities in the rest of Rima's Quintet Series." ....Owen Quinn, consultant ........................................... ACCELERATE MOVING TOWARDS YOUR PURPOSE This evening talk & one day course is based partly on the most recent work by the iconic JEAN HOUSTON, a pre-eminent, long-term leader in the human potential movement. (Her mind has been called a "National Treasure"). RIMA has recently completed an intensive course, "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" with Jean, having studied previously with her. RIMA is currently enrolled in Jean's "Living Your Supreme Destiny", a 6 month intensive course which contains Jean's most advanced work. RIMA will present, in this evening talk & one day course, a synopsis of some of the in-depth, and highly effective techniques from the "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" work in order to plumb, and make much more accessible, one's depth capacities, talents and abilities, which are needed to actualize one's life purpose. When one uses these techniques consistently, changing your life in the direction you want to move becomes much more available. We are living in a huge house of consciousness, but we are normally only inhabiting something like a small room. This work can get you to inhabit many more rooms in your house. As you do, your life becomes immensely enriched, and a much bigger range of other, life-fulfilling opportunities becomes possible. RIMA will also bring to this seminar other really effective modalities which she uses in her group and individual sessions to accelerate and deepen personal growth. The synergy of these modalities, with Jean Houston's work, along with the group mind present, promises a unique experience which can propel you forward in more fully living your purpose. Dates: Next course date to be confirmed soon. Talk-Friday evening 7:00 pm to 10:pm, One Day Course-Saturday, 10:00 am to 5:30 pm Cost: Evening Talk: $30 + HST, Evening talk + one day course: $135 + HST
**Pre-registration & prepayment required.**
Location: Vancouver location (to be announced)
Course given previously April 20th and 21st, & June 16th.
Some testimonials from course attendees:
" I found Rima's "Jean Houston-plus" workshop to be very empowering, fun, experiential, opening, subtle in many ways, but with a deep underlying power to transform anyone who is open to it. All in all a wonderful experience, one of my best workshops ever." ......Owen Q. "This workshop was among the best I have ever experienced in a day and one night. Being in a small group that is intimate and personal is unique and refreshing. Rima's work is deep and profound, but in a thoroughly enjoyable, and at an energetic level that looks forward rather than revisiting the past."
......Michael Sawyer, President, Infinity Yacht Charters
“It’s very easy for me to say No when it comes to workshops. When Rima described her workshop, without thinking I said Yes; and I am grateful that I had. I attended without any expectations; greatly benefited from the experience; left with a sense of empowerment and a tool bag with a few more tools … now it’s up to me to use those tools … so say Yes.” Michael Macdonald "Rima's passion is contagious! This seminar was fast-paced, engaging and effective! I enjoyed and valued the interaction with all participants! There seemed to be a high degree of consensus and interest in the pursuit of finding tools for personal growth, expansion of consciousness and/or liberation from the constraints of long-held beliefs and conditioning. Rima gave us many tools! Now it's up to us to use them! Thank you, Rima!".......Heidi Ugaz
Please contact Rima Levine at
(604)722-0908 or .................................. RELAX! AN EVENING LEARNING EASY, FAST, STRESS RELEASE TECHNIQUES PLUS A UNIQUE, RELAXING, RIGHT BRAIN MEDITATION Come and spend an evening unwinding from the stresses of life. In the first segment of this evening, we'll do a very brief overview, in easily understandable terms, of how stress affects the working of our brains. Then, you will learn some very effective, quick and easy-to-do, self-help techniques which you can use immediately to really bring down your stress responses and get your brain working better. You'll feel lighter, clearer, calmer, with more creative problem solving and improved thinking. You will be able to use these techniques right away in your everyday life. In the second segment of the evening, you will experience a unique, guided, right brain group meditation. For more information on this kind of meditation, please refer to the "Services" page. When: To be announced, please check back for details .................................. Seminars Busting Loose from Limitations and Perfect Love / Imperfect Relationships Two weekend workshops based on ground-breaking books, using "MATRIX ENERGETICS" (Quantum Physics-based), "ONE BRAIN", + OTHER MODALITIES" In these two weekend courses, centred on the life-changing books, "Busting Loose from the Money/Business Game" and "Perfect Love/Imperfect Relationships", we use a number of powerful, energetic healing modalities, in the magnifying presence of the group mind, to accelerate and deepen the integration of the books' contents. Two of the key, energetic healing modalities used are: "Matrix Energetics" (the conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing), and "One Brain", a brilliant system to identify and help clear, subconscious blockages. Many sages have said that in these times we are in, we are meant to work collectively with others in clearing the deeply hidden mechanisms of limitation. After the courses, participants can meet monthly for support and practice in this work, if they so wish. These are two separate, two day seminars (Saturday & Sunday, and referred to as Level 2).
It is necessary to attend an additional 3 hour Thursday or Friday evening seminar (Level One) prior to the weekend course. One can also just attend the 3 hour, Level One course. In Level One, participants will learn a number of highly effective, easy, quick, self-help techniques for stress release and brain integration, which are balancing and energizing. They will also experience an initial group clearing on the course topic. Seminar Details: BUSTING LOOSE FROM LIMITATIONS This workshop is based on the book, "Busting Loose from the Money/Business game by Robert Scheinfeld. This book is about breaking free from all forms of limitation, not just financial ones. One comes away with a much deeper appreciation of how we are constantly creating all aspects of our reality, and what to do about changing what is showing up in our reality. This work is a profound contribution to the advancement of consciousness and healing our lives. Date & Time: Coming Soon Thursday or Friday, 6:45 pm-10:00 pm (Level One) Saturday & Sunday, 9:30 am-5:30 pm (Level Two) Cost: Levels One & Two: $249 + HST if prepaid a month in advance $274 + HST if prepaid 2 weeks in advance $309 + HST .................................. PERFECT LOVE/IMPERFECT RELATIONSHIPS:
Healing the Wound of the Heart This workshop is based on the amazing, soulful, powerful, and wise book of the same name by John Welwood. This work concerns itself with healing the core wound of the heart, and its pervasive effects on our relationships and our lives in general. Date: Coming Soon Cost: Levels One & Two: $249 + HST if prepaid a month in advance $274 + HST if prepaid 2 weeks in advance $309 + HST ***Reading of the book(s) is necessary before the course***
***Preregistration and prepayment are required*** Details of location supplied on registration. If unable to attend these seminars, and you are interested in future courses, please contact Rima. These courses will be held periodically, to build the growing morphic field around this work, and to continue to develop a community of people involved in this work.
Past Events: HARDWIRING HAPPINESS In a new form of offering for RIMA, this workshop will be the third in a QUINTET SERIES of mutually reinforcing and supportive workshops, which will help build ongoing momentum and acceleration for participants' improved brain health and brain function, and for living fuller, happier, calmer and more enjoyable lives. Each course is a stand alone, and can be taken separately, or in any combination desired, with different discounts, if prepaid. Brief descriptions of the other workshops in the Quintet series are found below the details on "HARDWIRING HAPPINESS." This workshop, "HARDWIRING HAPPINESS' in the Quintet Series is based on an incredible book, "Hardwiring Happiness" by Rick Hanson, psychologist, long term practising Buddhist, and expert in applying the neuroscience findings which support positive and accelerated changes in brain health. He recently gave a 2 hour talk at Banyen Books which filled 1/2 the store. He is a very wise, humble, straightforward and hugely knowledgeable expert on his subject. Excerpts from his publisher's notes: "Why is it easier to ruminate over hurt feelings than it is to bask in the warmth of being appreciated? Because your brain evolved to learn quickly from bad experiences but slowly from the good ones. "Hardwiring Happiness" lays out a simple method that uses the hidden power of everyday experiences to build new, enduring, neural structures full of happiness, love, confidence and peace." Rick Hanson is very optimistic about the possibilities here with the application of this information. In this workshop we will be exploring the topic of HARDWIRING HAPPINESS more deeply. I will synergistically use my various energetic healing modalities, including Matrix Energetics (conscious use of quantum physics for healing), my guided, right brain meditations, One Brain, and the power of the group mind present, along with cutting edge neuroscience findings on the promotion of positive brain change, including the power of neuroplasticity (the brain can and does change throughout life), to help us all embody and assimilate, more quickly and deeply, the information in the book into our lives. Workshop Dates & Times: Fri. Jan.24th, 2014, 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm, & Sat. Jan.25th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Location: Vancouver Westside Kitsilano - details on registration Cost: $159 + GST if prepaid by Jan. 17th, $189 + GST if paid after Jan. 17th **Preregistration & prepayment are required** *** Note: If participants have NOT attended one of Rima Levine's previous workshops, it is necessary, to be able to participate effectively in this workshop, to attend an additional 2.5 hour mini workshop before the start of "HARDWIRING HAPPINESS" (or any other Quintet workshop, which is their first one). Cost is an additional $45 + GST. Timing to be arranged accordingly. Cost for remainder of Quintet Series, in whole or part, if prepaid by January 17th/14: 2 Quintet workshops: $270 + GST (Save $48, a 15% discount) 3 Quintet workshops: $360 + GST (Save $117, a 25% discount) TESTIMONIALS FROM PARTICIPANTS IN RECENT, 1ST WORKSHOP IN QUINTET SERIES, "BOUNCING BACK": "Rima's part one workshop on "Bouncing Back", (based on the book of the same name) was the most powerful and intense Brain Workshop I have ever done. The amazing exercises the author created not only helped rewire our brains, but took us into our heart space as well. Processing some of our hardest times past and present with amazing compassion, and reflection, really enpowered our times of transition. Rima's ability to integrate this material with her energetic healing modalities e.g. Matrix Energetics, One-Brain, and her guided, right brain meditations, created a truly ultimate way of deepening ourselves around this material. I'm really looking forward to continue evolving myself through work with Rima on the remainder of her Quintet series. Namaste Rima!" ....Roz Atherton, retired school counsellor "I attended Rima's "Bouncing Back" workshop recently and experienced some major insights and healing outcomes. It was very experiential and enjoyable, and I highly recommend it to anyone on the healing path. I am eager to coninue on with the promise of the possibilities in the rest of Rima's Quintet Series." ....Owen Quinn, consultant Workshop on COMPASSION - another powerful spiritual tool. NOTE: The format Rima will use in the remaining workshops in the Quintet Series is the same as that described above for the Hardwiring Happiness workshop. One overarching archetype for this workshop will be Kuan Yin, a beloved goddess of compassion in the East. Mary, in the Christian tradition, also embodies that feminine ideal of compassion. A resource book for this will be "Kuan Yin - Accessing the Power of the Divine Feminine". This book says that when you invoke the name of Kuan Yin, you are calling upon a powerful force to bring you strength, healing and unconditional love. Workshop Dates & Times: Fri. Feb. 28th, 7:00 pm-9:30 pm, Sat.March 1, 10:00 am-5:00 pm Location: same as above Cost: $159 + GST if prepaid by Feb. 21st, $189 + GST after Feb. 21st **Preregistration & Prepayment are required ***************************** ENERGETIC HEALING GROUP COURSE FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON RIGHT BRAIN, AT-A-DISTANCE, PASSIVE ON YOUR PART This course is specifically designed to help participants have an easier, more enjoyable, less stressful experience of the holiday period, which will also assist people to be more receptive to the powerful, spiritual energies during this time. One of the beauties of this course is that it is as passive an experience as participants would like it to be. You don't have to consciously do anything or attend anything, and yet you will be held in the higher energies of this work. Having established a physical altar to hold the collective energies for the people participating in this event, I will daily, in meditation, work with the energetics of the group mind. I will be clearing, at a quantum level, blockages to the free flow of the higher energies coming in, and our abilities to embody them. I will also be doing a quick, daily, individual energetic tune-up on each participant. As a participant, I will invite you to occasionally put your conscious attention during your day on the altar and the group, and what you're noticing you're experiencing. However, this process will mainly be occurring at a subconscious, energetic level, so it will not take much time or conscious effort on your part, and you will still benefit greatly. Being part of all the energy work, and being part of a growing group morphic field, will support group members and allow much greater change than what is possible on one's own. I gave this course previously last year, during the intense period from December 12th to January 1st. (and also from February to April, and September to December 11th). I interviewed all the participants after January 1st in the first round, and everyone was very enthusiastic about their results. Even although this time period also encompassed the traditionally hectic period of Christmas and New Year's, everyone reported a new calmness and ease in handling, with little or no stress, holiday activities which normally they previously would have been quite stressed over. One of the participants said this course should be called the "busy person's" short cut course in embodying higher states. DETAILS: Time period: December 12th to January 12th Cost: $149 + GST if prepaid by December 11th, $179 + GST after December 11th ** Note: If you wish to participate in both this course and the Winter Solstice Meditation, December 19th, there is a reduced price of an additional $20 for the meditation, when both are prepaid together** **Pre-registration & prepayment are required** Here's what some of the participants had to say about their experiences with this course last year: "The course was fantastic, great. Everything went really smoothly with my family over the holidays, things just flowed, and I just didn't react with stress to things which would normally have plugged me in. I highly recommend this work with Rima. She just has a real knack of making positive change easy." ......Cat M., school teacher"The communal manifestation altar was a rich, effortless and subtly powerful process in opening me to new levels of abundance in my life". ......Owen Q. "I loved being a part of this group. I felt a wonderful glow of calm, peaceful energy through the period. Everyone said they felt better from it." ......Michael Sawyer, President, Infinity Yacht Charters ********************************* WINTER SOLSTICE GUIDED RIGHT BRAIN MEDITATION This is a special meditation honouring the unique and potent energies of the Winter Solstice, the balancing point of the darkest day of the year, with the beginning of the re-emergence of more light. We will gather in community to empower ourselves and the world at this sacred time. For those of you who are not familiar with my unique, guided, right brain meditations, please refer below** to the excerpt from my website on them ( Date & Time: Thursday, December 19th, 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm (arrival 6:45 pm ish) Location: Vancouver Westside in Kitsilano (address supplied on pre-registration) Cost: $30 *******************************
PERSEIDS METEOR SHOWERS VIEWING WITH RIGHT BRAIN MEDITATION, & CONSCIOUS QUANTUM PHYSICS EXPERIENCE On Saturday, August 10th/ early morning of Sunday August 11th we have a group excursion to view the peak of the annual PERSEIDS METEOR SHOWERS at Aldergrove Lake Regional Park outside of Aldergrove. RIMA LEVINE will lead the group in a guided, right brain meditation at the park to open more fully to the experience before the cosmic show begins. This will be so that we may more fully embody this depth experience of really feeling and knowing that we are part of the Universe, and the Universe is really part of us. (If needed, please refer to the Services page of Rima's website,, where there is a more detailed description of this form of meditation). There will also be the opportunity to have a brief, individual experience of Matrix Energetics (the conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing) with RIMA to enhance the experience, for those wishing it. The meditation at the park will start early evening, approximately at 7:30 p.m., and participants can just arrive shortly before that time (e.g. shortly before 7:00 p.m ish). The Matrix Energetics individual experience will happen after the meditation. The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vancouver, also indicates on-line that it will have telescopes available at the park for public viewing of the stars and planets (see notice below). If you feel a tug, please come and join us for this cosmically enhanced, full body/mind/spirit group experience. Because of wanting to view the peak of the meteor showers, we will be staying until the earliest hour(s) of Sunday, August 11th, for those wishing it. See below for more info on the Perseids Meteor Showers. For those interested in making a partial day of it at the Regional Park,there will be some individuals leaving Vancouver in the mid afternoon. Carpooling is possible, at least for the afternoon departure, and we can do a potluck picnic at the park. And, last year, the group chose to have an early, fun dinner at a funky, Mexican style restaurant (reasonably priced) near the Park. It is also possible to camp overnight at the park if anyone wishes to do so. The car arrangements would have to be able to accommodate this. Also, if one wishes to leave the park earlier than the carpooling allows, they would have to drive their own car. **Pre-registration is necessary by Thursday, August 8th, 1:00 pm** This event is weather dependent. RIMA, will determine by Thursday if the weather indicates that it will be smiling on this event. Cost: $49.00 + GST NOTE: Cost covers the meditation and individual Matrix Energetics work. Transportation (sharing car expenses in case of car pooling), food costs, and camping costs, if any, are the responsibility of the participants. **It is recommended that participants have some previous experience with meditation and metaphysical/spiritual work.** For further details, (more specific directions, what to bring) and to pre-register, please contact RIMA at or Perseid Meteor Shower at Aldergrove Regional ParkHere is a copy of the announcement from the Metro Parks website:
MANIFESTING “ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY” - A One Day Seminar Would you like to charge up your manifesting skills, to have/or be more of what you consciously want? In this workshop, you will have a direct, concentrated experience of energetic healing, also empowered by the group mind, around abundance and prosperity. Abundance will be be viewed in a wide context, encompassing all levels of being and having, rather than just being limited to the more commonly thought of financial level. We will be using a synthesis of energetic healing modalities/approaches, including: “Matrix Energetics” (the conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing), downloading manifesting codes for the optimal functioning of the chakras, principles from the newest findings of neuroscience for getting the co-operation of the brain and nervous system in manifesting what you consciously want, guided, right brain meditation, “One Brain”, and some aspects of the iconic Jean Houston's work in “Awakening to Your Purpose and Living Your Supreme Destiny.” Learning and healing will happen in a relaxed, stimulating, and often light-hearted, atmosphere. RIMA LEVINE, your facilitator, has extensive experience working with groups and individuals in her long term energetic healing practice. She is passionate about assisting people to find and live their soul purpose and supreme destiny. She has trained extensively in various healing modalities. For more information, please refer to: DATE: Saturday, May 11th TIME: 10:00 am to 5:30 pm LOCATION: A quiet, retreat type setting in East Vancouver (details on registration) COST: $110 + GST if prepaid by May 10 th; $125 + GST after May 10 th. **PRE-REGISTRATION + PREPAYMENT REQUIRED** Recommended reading for this course (but not required), "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden, and "Busting Loose from the Money/Business Game", by Robert Sheinfeld. *********************** AWAKENING TO YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE & LIVING YOUR SUPREME DESTINY A One Day course with Some of the Most Potent Techniques of the Iconic JEAN HOUSTON, Combined with Energetic Healing Practices of RIMA LEVINE This one day seminar will contain certain practices from the "Cosmic Human Mini Course" which is part of the latest, most advanced work of the amazing JEAN HOUSTON, one of the premier luminaries in the human potential development field. Her mind has been called a "National Treasure" by Deepak Chopra. Jean has termed these particular practices as some of her most powerful ones. Please refer to the end of this flyer for a little more description of these practices. She says that we must very quickly delve way "beyond the surface crust of consciousness" into our depth potentials in order to become "adequate stewards" and "effective agents & provacateuses of change", in these most challenging of times. All her work is dedicated to the development of our deepest selves and inner resources, and bringing these forward into manifestation in the outer world. We now need to activate and follow our innate purpose and destiny as part of the salvation of ourselves and the world. We know this to be so in our hearts and minds. RIMA LEVINE has studied intensively and directly over the past 8 months with Jean Houston, in a small, global, teaching/learning community - in the first two months in Jean's "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose", and over the past six months in Jean's most advanced work, "Living Your Supreme Destiny." This work with Jean has been "the crown jewel" to date in the preceding 30 years of Rima's intensive study and work in the human potential and spirituality. She has also studied previously in person with Jean, most notably by attending Jean's annual, residential course in "Social Artistry". RIMA has been on a committed quest over the past 30 years to find and use the best, most effective, gentlest healing modalities. She intuitively combines these modalities in her energetic healing practice with both individuals and groups. For more information, please refer to Rima's website:, under the "Home" and "Services" page. RIMA will be using recordings of Jean walking us through these processes, and then will be working with the group, using a combination of her energetic healing techniques to further empower and deepen the integration of Jean's processes. Participants will come away with a new sense of heightened possibilities and an enriched sense of their depth capacities and capabilites. For those who are interested, it is possible there may be an opportunity, after the course, to join in on the already ongoing, monthly evening sessions which Rima is facilitating around Jean Houston's work. Date & Time: Sunday, October 28th, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Location: Vancouver location - details on registration Cost: $99 + HST if prepaid by October 26th $125 + HST after October 26th **If a course participant introduces someone else to the course who is new to Rima's work, the referring participant will receive a 15% discount off their tuition.** Please contact Rima with any questions, or if you wish to pre-register. (604) 722-0908, The following is a brief description which was given of Jean's Cosmic Human Mini Course: The Cosmic Human: Unlocking the Potential of The Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Realms
The names of the 3 special sessions are: - Awakening the Inner Master of the Heart - Mind: Activating the Synergy Between Head & Heart - Awakening the Inner Master of Infinite Potential: Becoming the Cosmic Human - Awakening the Inner Master of Self-Expression: Releasing the Hidden Tension in the Tongue. This is designed to help participants free up their vocal expression, of their creative thoughts and ideas to get them out into the world, and also to help those in public speaking with their projects. SPECIAL FALL EQUINOX MEDITATION EXPERIENCE THE TRANSITIONAL ENERGIES WITH A UNIQUE, RELAXING, This will be an extension of the bimonthly, regular, guided, right brain meditations which Rima Levine has been giving for three years, with a special focus on the transitional energies of the Fall Equinox as backdrop, as the amount of light and dark is balanced. RIMA'S guided, group meditations can induce deep relaxation, and a quietening of over-active minds. These meditations are unique in that the by-pass the analytical, linear left brain and take you into a direct experience of the right brain including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, healing abilities and lightning fast processing. For more information on this kind of meditation, please refer to the "Services" page. Date & Time: Friday, September 21st, 7:15 pm to 9:30 pm Cost: $25 Location: central Kitsilano location (details provided on registration) Please contact Rima Levine either at (604)722-0908 or **Pre-registration is required**. Space is limited, so please connect to reserve your space. RARE OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCING NEXT VANCOUVER MEETING WITH VISITING COMPANY EXPERTS September 20th COME AND HEAR ABOUT AN ALL NATURAL SUPPLEMENT WHICH IS SIGNIFICANTLY CONTRIBUTING TO THE CRUCIALLY IMPORTANT EVOLUTION in CONSCIOUSNESS NEEDED in THESE PIVOTAL TIMES and TO RENEWED GOOD HEALTH ON ALL LEVELS Dear Friends My name is Rima Levine. Those of you who know me are aware that I've dedicated my life to helping people through the use of energetic healing. Some of you have already attended a meeting in late June to hear about this extraordinary natural supplement. A number who attended have now been taking this to good effect, based on reports I've heard. For those of you who are learning about this for this first time, I really recommend that you, too, continue to read on. Company experts in the field, Karen Justice and Dick Herrboldt, loved meeting with the group in June, and will be back to hold the next public meeting in Vancouver, along with a doctor in complementary medicine, Dr. Doug Jabbert, who is an expert in the formulation of nutraceutical products and who joined the staff of the company behind these products four years ago. We live in extraordinary times. What is being asked of us now is to evolve our bodies, minds, emotions and spirits so that we are equal to the task of stewarding ourselves and the planet to successfully meeting the unique challenges of these times. One of the esteemed leaders in the human potential movement, Jean Houston, (her mind has been called a "National Treasure" by people like Deepak Chopra) says that for us to meet these challenges in the time available, we need to mature/grow up, and fast, to be able to access our depth potentials which are equal to solving what is going on in our world. Many of us have been working hard and diligently over long periods of time to prepare ourselves for this. However, there is a critical link that has been missing in our evolution, that is, until now. We have been trying to do this spiritual evolution work based on a severe lack of energy in the cells of our body. Stressors, toxins, pollutants, etc. have taken a heavy toll on our bodies. Many of the current major disease patterns, at their basis, involve a depletion of cellular energy and inflammation. In short, we have been trying to reach an embodied spirituality, but we haven't had the "oomph" at the body cellular level to get where we want and need to get to at this critical juncture in human history and evolution. To date, we just have not been firing on "enough cylinders and burners" to get the job done at the needed level. In highly synchronistic timing, an all natural, and from my view, a truly phenomenal supplement has just been been recently officially approved for distribution in Canada. While relatively new here, this product has a long term track record in America and other countries. In a nutshell, one of its primary functions is to provide the proper fuel to the tiny bodies inside the cells, called the mitochondria, where the cellular energy is produced needed for all life processes. When one takes this supplement, it goes directly to the mitochondria, and 50% + more cellular energy is produced. You can just imagine what your mind/body system can do with that significant increase in energy! The body, mind, emotions and spirit begin to work in the much more optimal pattern which they are intended to do. At the spiritual level, it is amazing what becomes possible. This supplement, in addition to everything else it does, works on supporting the brain centres responsible for higher states of consciousness. This means that all the spiritual work you have been doing can actually land more firmly at the physical level, and you can begin to live a life of a more tangible, embodied spirituality. In some ways, the mitochondria are the interface between the higher energetic realms and the physical. Please take advantage of the opportunity to attend this second Vancouver gathering to learn more about this supplement, and why you will want to consider taking it now, if you are not already doing so. Karen and Dick, two of the top leaders in the field with the company, along with Dr. Jabbert, will be back visiting Vancouver to share their wealth of knowledge and experience with this supplement at this gathering in the 3rd week of September. I also will be briefly sharing my personal experiences with the product over the past year, and you will see why I'm so excited about thiS! This meeting in Vancouver is part of the company's pre-launch, and the formal launch will be happening in spring 2013. In the meantime, the products are now available in Canada. Because the company is in the pre-launch phase in Canada, at this time, there are only a limited number of people who are aware of these products. For those interested in the business opportunity aspect involved in the marketing of these products, this is a wonderful opportunity to become involved It will be great to see you at the meeting, and to have a like-minded group gather around this. Imagine what can really happen in this growing morphic field of expanding possibilities. When: Thursday, September 20th, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Where: Granville Island Hotel, False Creek & Alder Bay Room, Granville Island, Vancouver There is free parking possible on Granville Island, as well as pay parking. ***Pre-registration is needed. Please confirm your attendance with RIMA LEVINE, (604) 722-0908 SPIRITUALLY BASED PART DAY EXCURSION TO KLAHOWYA, FIRST NATIONS/METIS VILLAGE & EXPERIENCE IN STANLEY PARK Saturday, August 25 We will be meeting at KLAHOWYA VILLAGE in Stanley Park for a partial day excursion during the special Musqueam Nation Days Weekend. RIMA will lead one of her guided, right brain meditations to induce the group into a deeper opening to the experience of Canadian aboriginal culture. There will be a special emphasis in the meditation on bringing in aboriginal archetypes which will be individually relevant and useful in participants' spiritual journeys. RIMA will then offer to give a brief experience of Matrix Energetics (conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing) to participants wishing to do so. We will then enjoy various facets of the Klahowya Village experience, including being part of a smudging ceremony, watching a dance performance, listening to story telling, taking an optional ride on the miniature train as part of the experience (there is a charge for this, the rest of the Village offerings are free), and browsing through the shopping area. We will end the excursion with a quick de-briefing of the experience and closing ceremony. Date: Saturday, August 25th, timing to be set shortly. The Village hours are: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekends. Cost: $39 +HST for Rima's tuition. Any other costs for e.g. food or the optional miniature train are the responsibility of participants. **Pre-registration is necessary by Thursday, August 23rd.** This event is weather dependent. **It is recommended that participants have some previous experience with meditation and metaphysical/spiritual work.** For further details,and to pre-register, please contact RIMA at or (604) 722-0908The following is taken from the City of Vancouver web pages on the Klahowya experience: Experience authentic Aboriginal culture![]() Visit Klahowya VillageThe Klahowya Village in Stanley Park is an authentic Aboriginal cultural experience like no other you've ever seen. Open daily until September 3, 2012. Travel through the forest on the Spirit Catcher miniature train and discover the Legend of the Sasquatch. Shop the Artisan Marketplace for First Nations and Métis art, jewellery and more. Watch live cultural performances on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday and holiday Monday throughout the summer. SPIRITUAL PART DAY EXCURSION PERSEIDS METEOR SHOWERS VIEWING WITH RIGHT BRAIN MEDITATION, & CONSCIOUS QUANTUM PHYSICS EXPERIENCE On Saturday, August 11th/ early morning of Sunday August 12th we have a group excursion to view the peak of the annual PERSEIDS METEOR SHOWERS at Aldergrove Lake Regional Park outside of Aldergrove. RIMA LEVINE will lead the group in a guided, right brain meditation at the park to open more fully to the experience before the cosmic show begins. This will be so that we may more fully embody this depth experience of really feeling and knowing that we are part of the Universe, and the Universe is really part of us. (If needed, please refer to the Services page of Rima's website,, where there is a more detailed description of this form of meditation). There will also be the opportunity to have a brief, individual experience of Matrix Energetics (the conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing) with RIMA to enhance the experience, for those wishing it. The meditation at the park will start early evening, approximately at 7:30 p.m., and participants can just arrive shortly before that time (e.g. shortly before 7:00 p.m ish). The Matrix Energetics individual experience will happen after the meditation. The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vancouver, also indicates on-line that it will have telescopes available at the park for public viewing of the stars and planets (see notice below). If you feel a tug, please come and join us for this cosmically enhanced, full body/mind/spirit group experience. Because of wanting to view the peak of the meteor showers, we will be staying until the earliest hour(s) of Sunday, August 12th, for those wishing it. See below for more info on the Perseids Meteor Showers. For those interested in making a partial day of it at the Regional Park, there will probably be some individuals leaving Vancouver in the early afternoon. Carpooling is possible, at least for the afternoon departure, and we can do a potluck picnic at the park. It is also possible to camp overnight at the park if anyone wishes to do so. The car arrangements would have to be able to accommodate this. Also, if one wishes to leave the park earlier than the carpooling allows, they would have to drive their own car. **Pre-registration is necessary by Friday, August 10th, 1:00 pm** This event is weather dependent. RIMA, in consultation with nautical captain, Michael Sawyer (he really knows how to read weather, and also, by the way, provides yacht charter services par excellence, in case anyone is looking) will determine by Thursday if the weather indicates that it will be smiling on this event. Cost: $45.00 + HST
NOTE: Cost covers the meditation and individual Matrix Energetics work. Transportation (sharing car expenses in case of car pooling), food costs, and camping costs, if any, are the responsibility of the participants. **It is recommended that participants have some previous experience with meditation and metaphysical/spiritual work.** For further details, (more specific directions, what to bring) and to pre-register, please contact RIMA at or
Perseid Meteor Watch at Aldergrove Lake
CHILDREN OF THE 7 RAYS PRESENTS SPEAKERS SERIES WITH SPECIAL GUESTS in partnership with the International Centre for Consciousness Medicine RIMA LEVINE will be one of the special guest speakers at this event. Date & Time: Saturday, April 14th, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Location: Liu Institute for Global Issues at U.B.C., 6476 N.W. Marine Dr., Vancouver Tickets: $150. Special student & senior rates. Tickets available at Banyen Books. SPECIAL SPRING EQUINOX MEDITATION This will be an extension of the bimonthly, regular, guided, right brain meditations which Rima Levine has been giving for the past two and a half years, with a special focus on the transitional energies of the Spring Equinox as backdrop, as the amount of light and dark is balanced. RIMA'S guided, group meditations can induce deep relaxation, and a quietening of over-active minds. These meditations are unique in that the by-pass the analytical, linear left brain and take you into a direct experience of the right brain including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, healing abilities and lightning fast processing. For more information on this kind of meditation, please refer to the "Services" page. Date & Time: Tuesday, March 20th, 7:15 pm to 9:30 pm Cost: $25 Location: Coal Harbour, West End location (parking nearby) (details provided on registration) Please contact either Rima Levine at (604)722-0908 or **Pre-registration is required**. Space is limited, so please connect to reserve your space. .................................. GOING DEEP!
AN EVENING OF SACRED SOUND & GUIDED MEDITATION EXPERIENCE! WITH MATTHEW KOCEL AND RIMA LEVINE Join MATTHEW KOCEL and RIMA LEVINE for this special evening combining a unique form of guided meditation and sacred sound! The synergy provides a powerful experience. Attain intuitive right brain awareness through Rima’s guided meditation; and, let go and feel supported by Matthew’s sacred overtone music.
MATTHEW is an internationally known throat singer, sound healer, and visionary musician driven by his mission to inspire oneness through the universal language of sacred sound. His instruments include harmonium, singing bowls, crystal bowls, tingsha and more!
RIMA specializes in helping people attain right brain awareness through a unique form of guided meditation. These meditations by-pass the analytical, linear left brain and take you into a direct experience of the right brain including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, healing abilities and lightning fast processing.
Please contact Rima Levine at (604)722-0908 or **Pre-registration is required** IMAGINE what could happen for you! ..................................
GO DEEP! SACRED SOUND & GUIDED MEDITATION EVENING! Please join RIMA LEVINE and MATTHEW KOCEL for a special collaborative evening, combining a unique, guided, right brain meditation given by Rima and sacred sound provided by Matthew. Both of these modalities have received very positive feedback from many participants, so this synergy of Rima's and Matthew's work promises a powerful experience. RIMA'S guided, group meditations can induce deep relaxation, and a quietening of over-active minds. These meditations are unique in that they by-pass the analytical, linear left brain and take you into a direct experience of the right brain including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, healing abilities and lightning fast processing. For more information on this kind of meditation, please refer to the "Services" page. MATTHEW is a throat singer, sound healer, and visionary musician driven by his mission to inspire oneness through the universal language of sacred sound. "Imagine a voice emanating from the depths of the Earth in exquisite harmonic overtones… pouring out like a fractal mandala over the shimmering tones of Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, harmonium and conch shell." Date & Time: Thursday, February 2nd, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm Cost: $40.00 Location: A spa in the Strathcona area (details provided on registration) **NOTE: Space is limited. Pre-registration is needed with prepayment to ensure your space.** Contact Rima Levine for information or pre-registration. (604)722-0908, .................................. Past Events 2011: SPECIAL PRE-NEW YEAR'S EVENING COME JOIN US TO RITUALLY AND SPIRITUALLY END 2011 & WELCOME IN THE ENERGIES OF 2012! This evening will be a coming together in community to come to completion with the experiences of 2011, and to welcome in the energies of the much-heralded 2012. There will be various forms of group energetic clearings and also a guided, right brain meditation to explore and integrate the changes at deep levels. Date & Time: to be confirmed. Either Wed. Dec. 28th or Thurs. Dec. 29th. 7:15 pm to 9:30 pm. Refer to website soon. Cost: $30 +HST Location: Vancouver Westside location (details on registration) **NOTE: Pre-registration is required** .................................. SPECIAL WINTER SOLSTICE MEDITATION Tuesday, December 20th This will be an extension of the bimonthly, regular, guided, right brain meditations which Rima Levine has been giving for the past two years, with a special focus on the transitional energies of the Winter Solstice as backdrop, as greater light begins to penetrate the darkest time of the year. This kind of meditation can induce deep relaxation, a quietening of over-active minds, and it promotes greater right brain activity with its creative problem solving. Please refer to this website under "Services" for more information on this type of meditation. Date & Time: Tuesday, December 20th, 7:15 pm to 9:30 pm Cost: $25 Location: Coal Harbour, West End location (parking nearby, details provided on registration) **NOTE: Pre-registration is required** .................................. BUSTING LOOSE FROM LIMITATIONS SEMINAR Date: November 25 -27 For details, see Seminars section. ..................................
.................................. 11/11/11 MEDITATION
.................................. RIMA AT BANYEN BOOKS
.................................. BOWEN ISLAND DAY EXCURSION
.................................. PERSEID METEOR SHOWER VIEWING
SPECIAL MEDITATION PRECEDING A VISIT TO VANCOUVER ART GALLERY EXHIBIT: We will be meeting for an hour's special meditation before we visit the Vancouver Art Gallery for their exceptional exhibition on art from the Surrealistic Movement. When I read the May 28th article in the Vancouver Sun ( "Dreaming in Broad Daylight" on the cover page of the Arts & Life section) about the new exhibition, I immediately felt connections with the work that transpires in the guided right brain meditations which I have been leading weekly. I believe that it will be a very interesting experience to undergo the altered states from our guided meditation, and then proceed down to the Art Gallery as a group and find out what's possible for the expansion of our minds. For those who would like to de-brief, we will gather after the art gallery visit at a local cafe. Tuesday, July 5th, 2:15 PM TO 3:30 PM for the meditation, in a Marpole location (details on registration),
arrive at approximately 5:00 pm for the "by donation evening" at the Art Gallery ( 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm).
Cost: $25.00 + HST for just the meditation. Participants to make their own donation at the Art Gallery. There will be other excursions over the summer months combining Rima Levine's depth work in accelerated positive change with special, energetically charged venues (some out in nature) and /or special events. Please refer back to this website for further postings.
At this important time of year, as we experience the longest day of the year with its strong energies, please join us in this really unique evening meditation. This evening is a special extension of the experience which takes place in regular guided meditations in the quantum realm which Rima Levine has been giving weekly for the past year and a half. Date & Time: Tuesday, June 21st, 7:15 pm to 9:30 pm
Location: A Westside location in Marpole (details given on registration)
Cost: $25.00 If you bring a friend, you'll each receive a $5.00 discount ..................................
Free Talk at Banyen Books, Sunday May 15th MATRIX ENERGETICS & ONE BRAIN In this interactive, participatory session, Rima gave an introduction and demonstration of two modalities for healing & transformation: "Matrix Energetics" and "One Brain." "Matrix Energetics" is the conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing and transformative change. It has been said that "Matrix Energetics" is a link which brings the Quantum Physics, exemplified in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know, into practical everyday usage. "One Brain" uses a highly refined form of muscle testing to detect and help heal mostly subconscious energy blockages. During this session, you will learn some self-help, quick, easy techniques from One Brain for stress release and brain integration which really work. Rima will be back to give another free talk at Banyan Books in the fall. |
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