Welcome  to changing your world in the fastest, easiest, most elegant ways I have discovered! It is my passion to help facilitate changes in people to release them from long-standing, unproductive patterns and move into a life more in alignment with their innate well-being and spiritual wholeness.

RIMA LEVINE, M.Sc. (Pl), has been on a 30 year + journey into the development of the human potential.  She has had a long-term private practice working with individuals, groups and organizations (including the Vancouver School Board).  She has extensively studied many healing modalities including Matrix Energetics, One Brain, Huna, Reiki, other forms of esoteric healing work, depth/sacred psychology, and Jean Houston's work in Social Artistry, and Living Your Supreme Destiny.

Individual Private Sessions:

Using various modalities, including Matrix Energetics and One Brain, Rima works deeply and gently with clients in detecting and helping clear energetic blockages. One then can have a more direct experience of their own essential nature and its infinite possibilities.

Sessions are available by phone or Skype. 

Single Telephone Session: $125.00 plus GST

Various series are now offered: A series keeps one in a committed process in which a momentum of positive change is built. Please go to the Services page for details.

Phone: (604)722-0908
Email: rimalevine@hotmail.com


Would you like to get on top of your chronic stress responses, gain more calm and greater clarity, heighten your intuition and creativity, and drop more deeply into experiencing your essential self?

In Rima Levine's private practice work, she is committed to finding ways to help people accelerate and deepen their progress on their consciousness journeys. To this end, she has combined powerful healing modalities to create a new, transformative synergy. Two modalities used extensively in her practice are "Matrix Energetics" and "One Brain".

"Matrix Energetics" is the conscious use of Quantum Physics for healing and transformative change. It has been said that "Matrix Energetics" is a link which brings the Quantum Physics, exemplified in the movie, "What the Bleep Do We Know," into everyday, practical usage. "One Brain" is a very effective body of work which addresses the healing of body, mind, emotions and spirit. It uses a highly refined form of muscle testing to detect and help heal mostly subconscious energy blockages.

Rima incorporates a combination of these and other modalities in both her individual and group work. In her workshops, she uses this combination to deepen and quicken for participants the integration of the contents of a number of leading edge books on the development of the human/spiritual development, and the newest findings from neuroscience on optimal brain change.

Rima also gives unique, regular, guided, right brain  meditations, partly incorporating "Matrix Energetics". These meditations are quite unique in that they by-pass the analytical, linear, slow-processing of the left brain, and allow one to be taken into a more direct, experience of the wonders of the right brain, including its multi dimensional awareness, creativity, calm, and lightening-speed processing. Participants report deep relaxation, and the powerful opening to other realms of consciousness.

Rima offers individual sessions by telephone and Skype, intuitively using her combination of healing modalities.

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